This year at St. Benedict Secondary school 100 students graduated after four years of secondary school education. St. Benedict Secondary school now has two campuses; one at Hanga for girls and another at Coland, three kilometers and west of Hanga, for boys. The guest of honor for the graduation was Sr. Catarina, OSB, the headmistress of a neighboring girls’ secondary school in Peramiho run by Benedictine Missionary nuns. It was a memorable day for the graduating class as it marked for them the opening of a door to life with education. With this basic education in the academic world one is able to advance as much he/she can or wants to. We hope the good formation at Hanga will make them good citizens.
In the picture: Fr. Angelo Mugaga, OSB, is standing next to the guest of honor, St. Catarina, OSB. The graduates receiving school leaving certificates.



The graduating class in front of the abbey church after celebrating the Holy Mass. A nun was one of the graduates in the class. (Frater Lucius Matembo, OSB, our reporter, also sneaked in the photos with the graduates).

Parents, relatives, and friends participated in the graduation. Parents were given opportunity to speak.

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