Books for St. Benedict school, a gift from Delbarton school, in the US.

The students from Delbarton also helped Coland Secondary school, a branch of St. Benedict School, to make bricks from clay and put the bricks in kiln ready for baking. The process of making bricks involves digging clay soil and pounding it with water. Then the pound clay is put in wooden form and released on a flat ground for drying. After the brick get dry they are put in a kiln for baking using fire wood. You can see in the photos students from Delbarton and their host students digging clay, pounding it, putting in wooden form and laying bricks in the ground and then bringing them to a place to make a kiln. Indeed it was a new experience for students from the US to do the work.

At the end of their stay at Hanga there was a farewell party to the group form Delbarton. There was also exchange of sovenirs of T-shirts. Delbarton students received T-shirts from St. Benedict students and gave their T-shirts to St. Benedict students. Thanks to the monks of St. Mary's Abbey in Morristown, fuculty and students for their assistance to the students at Hanga Abbey.

A farewell dance by St. Benedict's students and a cake for Delbarton students