A monk of Hanga Abbey, and retired bishop of Bukoba northwestern Tanzania, Gervas Nkalanga, OSB, celebrated 50 years as a bishop on June 2011. He was joined by more than 30 bishops from Tanzania Espiscopal Conference including Polycarp Cardinal Pengo and the archbishop of Songea Norbert Mtega who also celebrates 25 years as a bishop. Bishop Nkalanga is praised for his humility and simplicity as he lives his monastic life among other monks of Hanga. Being a native of Bukoba, where bananas form a stapple food, he has established and always has been working in his banana garden.
Bishop Nkalanga with frater Fraternus shortly before Holy Mass for his jubilee began.
Bishop Nkalanga with retired abbot Alcuin, archbishop Norbert, Cardinal Pengo and abbot Thadei Mhagama, OSB, of Hanga Abbey.
The former president of the Republic of Tanzani Benjamin Mkapa with his wife were also present. In the picture to the right of the president is archbishop Norbert Mtega and behind him is Abbot Thadei Mhagama, OSB, the abbot of Hanga Abbey.

The monks of Hanga Abbey with bishops who came to celebrate jubilee with bishop Nkalanga.
Nuns from different religious convents were present for the jubilee

Bishop Nkalanga at his banana garden with the youths in monastic formation at Nakagugu.
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