Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Visitors at Hanga Abbey June & July

 Early July the abbey was blessed to have visitors from the Benedictine community of Waegwan, South Korea belonging to our Saint Ottilien Congregation. In the convoy were Fr. Clemens, Br. Wolfgang and Br. Christopher. They were enroute to Ndanda abbey for a longer stay. We said to them welcome to Tanzania.

At the abbey refectory, welcoming monks from Waegwan, South Korea.

Other important visitors were from USA. They are former graduates from St. John's University in Minnesota. The university owned by Benedictine monks. They will stay at the abbey for a year volunteering in different institutions of the abbey. We warmly welcome them.

In the picture from left: Mr. Maximilian, Fr. Amadeus, Frater Lucius and Mr. Jacob.

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