The 4th of January, 2013, was really a day marking beginning a year
with blessings for Hanga Abbey. Monks were are happy to have their
fellow monk being ordained to deaconate as a step to priesthood. With
the need and shortage of priests in the community, this indeed is a very
good news to have more monks with capacity of serving the people of God
at the level of sacramental administration. We congratulate Frater Ansgar
and look forward to his ordination to priesthood. With him there were
four other men ordained to deaconate for the archdiocese of Songea.
Archbishop Norbert Mtega of the archdiocese ordained the five men.

Deacon Frater Ansgar with Archbishop Nortbert Mtega of Songea and
Abbot Thadei Mhagama, OSB, after the ordination mass at Songea

Frater Ansgar (first from left on the front line) with with four
other deacons for the Archdiocese of Songea who were ordained during the
same ceremony.
Further below Frater Ansgar smiling at the photographer Frater Lucius
Matembo, OSB. On the right the new deacon at task during mass reading
the Gospel.