Friday, September 2, 2022

Sister Otilia Mbiro, OSB, a Native of Hanga, Celebrates 25 Years Jubilee

 In August this year 2022, a Benedictine Nun, Sister Otilia Mbiro, OSB, celebrated her 25th anniversary of religious life at Hanga, a place where she was born and raised. Sister Otilia is a nun in the community of Benedictine Missionaries (well known as Tutzing Sisters) in Ndanda, in the diocese of Mtwara.

To the credit of Hanga Abbey, Sister Otilia's vocation was influenced by Hanga Abbey monks, particularly the late Frater Anselm Wella, OSB. He was instrumental in recruiting many girls and sending them to join Sisters Convents. Sister Otilia and her older sister, Sisters Innocencia of Ndolo African Benedictine Sisters, are both the product of the work of Frater Anslem.

Congratulations to Sister Otilia on her 25th anniversary as a nun.

From right: Sister Otilia (with a wreath), her sister Sr. Innocencia, and Br. Lucius.

Monks of Hanga Abbey congratulating Sister Otilia

Dinner celebration

Catting a cake

Company at dinner