Abbot Pambo made his solemn profession on 11 July 1998, and was ordained on 10 July, 2005. At the time of election he was in Germany serving as the secretary to the archabbot of St. Ottilien Congregation after his degree in Canon Law.
Present at the installation of abbot Pambo were five bishops from dioceses of Mbeya, Njombe, Tabora, Singida, and Sumbawanga. The bishop of Sumbawanga was the bishop presiding at mass and did the installation blessing. Four abbots were also present: abbot Octavian Massingo,OSB, of Hanga Abbey, abbot Thadei Mhagama, OSB, (retired abbot of Hanga abbey), abbot Placidus Mtunguja, OSB, of Ndanda abbey, and abbot Romain Bota, OSB, from Agbang, Togo.
Congratulations to Abbot Pambo and we pray for the Holy Spirit to guide him in his leadership role.
Abbot Pambo in the middle holding a crozier.
Abbot Pambo with Anne Makinda, former member of the parliament, in Tanzania.
From left: abbot of Octavian of Hanga abbey, abbot Placidus of Ndanda abbey, abbot Pambo, abbot Romain of Agbang, Togo, and retired abbot of Hanga abbey - abbot Thadei.