The year of faith, 0213, as promulgated by the former pope
Benedict has taken quite a stride in Tanzania. The Conference of Bishops in
Tanzania has arranged that each diocese have a special crucifix that will be
taken around parishes to invigorate the faithful in this year of faith.
At Hanga parishionesr, monks at the abbey with students from
the abbey institutions had their turn to pay venerate the crucifix for the
archdiocese of Songea from April 16-19. It was time for prayer and reflection.
May the Jesus strengthen us all in our daily struggles in this year of faith.
Processing with the crucifix to the abbey church; monks, students and parishioners participated.
After three days of venerating the crucifix at Hanga, the monks, parishioners, and students handed it over to Msalaba Mkuu parish. Fr. Elias Chale of Hanga parish handed it over officially to the pastor of Msalaba Mkuu Fr. Cosmas Mhagama.
The parishioners of Msalaba Mkuu marching off with the crucifix