Saturday, August 10, 2024

Solar Energy for Hanga Abbey

 For long time the monks of Hanga abbey have been struggling to get reliable source of electricity. The small hydroelectric plant does not generate enough power for the many uses at the abbey besides that during summertime water level gets very low for the generation of electricity. A recent alternative of using national grid electricity has shown to be very expensive. Amid these challenges solar power proves to be another better source of electricity. 

Early this August the monks broke ground to prepare a site to lay solar panels. It involved uprooting big trees and leveling off the ground. All the work was done by hands using hoes, axes, and machetes. Thanks to our benefactors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Visitors at Hanga Abbey June & July

 Early July the abbey was blessed to have visitors from the Benedictine community of Waegwan, South Korea belonging to our Saint Ottilien Congregation. In the convoy were Fr. Clemens, Br. Wolfgang and Br. Christopher. They were enroute to Ndanda abbey for a longer stay. We said to them welcome to Tanzania.

At the abbey refectory, welcoming monks from Waegwan, South Korea.

Other important visitors were from USA. They are former graduates from St. John's University in Minnesota. The university owned by Benedictine monks. They will stay at the abbey for a year volunteering in different institutions of the abbey. We warmly welcome them.

In the picture from left: Mr. Maximilian, Fr. Amadeus, Frater Lucius and Mr. Jacob.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hanga Health Center Continues to Shine

Thanks to Frater Lucius Matembo, OSB, the head of Hanga Health Center, for his vision to improve services at the Center. The Center have had many improvements which attract many people even outside the villages around Hanga Abbey which have been the primary target.

The major increased services at Hanga Health Center include the surgery unit, an x-ray machine, a laboratory with modern machines, and the addition of two women wards.

Recently a female ward has been completed and now it is being furnished with indoor furniture. Also in preparation, a ground is being cleared to erect a building that will be serving outpatients. 

Frater Lucius on the corridor of the new female ward

Hanga Health Center

Remodeling the front part of the Health Center

Serving women and infants

A dental chair

Preparing a ground for the construction of the outpatient building

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Nakesi Mbunga Seondary School Gets Clean Water

Thanks to donors in USA, with their help Hanga Abbey is able to continue serving local communities with clean water in southern Tanzania. The communities range from villages to health centers, to schools.

In 2023 Mbunga Secondary School located in Naikesi village 15 miles north of Hanga Abbey got clean water. The project began in 2022. A water well has been bored and from it water is pumped atop to a reservoir of plastic tanks by a solar pump. From the tank water is distributed to faucets in the school premises. Villagers who live close to school compound also use the water.

Water drilling machine at site


Students watching the drilling work.

Enjoying clean water



Saturday, September 2, 2023

Visitors at Hanga Abbey August 2023

 At Hanga Abbey we had blessing of several visitors from Europe and USA in August. From Italy, Dr Angelo came to Hanga and stayed for about three weeks. He has been a benefactor of Hanga Health Center for many years and has been helping many other dispensaries in Ruvuma and Njombe regions. He also helps the Benedictine nuns of St. Agnes in Chipole in the archdiocese of Songea. He was able to visit there too where he was welcomed by Sr. Bonita. Sister Bonita is a teacher for the Catechists preparing to be nuns from different religious communities in Tanzania. She was sponsored by Dr. Mario for her studies in Italy.

Dr. Angelo with Sister Bonita, OSB

Dr. Angelo with Catechist students

From Germany we had the honor of welcoming Monsignor Wolfang Huber, the president of MISEREOR, a funding organization in Germany owned by the Bishops Conference of Germany. Monsignor Wolfgang visited many dioceses in southern Tanzania and religious communities including Benedictine abbeys of Mvimwa, Peramiho, Ndanda and Hanga.

In the photo from left; Abbot Octavian Massingo, Monsignor Wolfang and Frater Theodory


Other visitors in August were alumni of St. John's (Benedictine) University in Minnesota, USA: Hayden Hedrington, Samuel Rengo and James Siems (see in the photo). They will be staying at Hanga for nine months working in various institutions of the abbey including Hanga Health Center. We welcome them wholeheartedly.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Hanga Health Center News

 At Hanga Health Center works and new endeavors never stop. Currently work is coming into completion: the installation of X-ray machine. By regulations of the Health Department of the government the equipment has to be inspected and certified by the government. So this mid June a team of inspectors from Dodoma came to the Health Center for the inspection. Recommendations were made for some adjustments and improvements. Soon the machine will be in use. Thanks to Frater Lucius for his vision that the Health Center has this machine which will alleviate the worry of many patients travelling far to Songea Regional Hospital or Peramiho for the service.

The new X-ray machine at Hanga Health Center

Team of inspectors inspecting the X-ray machine